Early voting in Georgia began this week on March 2. There are four more important dates related to voting in Georgia.
• March 24 – Georgia Presidential Primary
• May 19 – General primary election for local, state and federal offices
• October 5 – Deadline to register to vote in the upcoming general election
• November 3 – 2020 General Election
Why is voting important? If you miss the chance to vote, you lose the opportunity to communicate your concern to our leaders about the issues that matter to you, where you work, live, and raise your family. Amicalola EMC will once again be part of NRECA’s Co-Ops Vote initiative. This non-partisan program is designed to unite the 42 million co-op members across the nation to ensure that electric co-ops are a powerful voice on national issues that have a local impact. Mark your calendars and make sure your voice is heard.