Operation Round-Up®
Participate in Operation Round-Up
Apply for Help
Print and fill out these forms, then mail or bring them to your local Amicalola EMC office.
In 1999, Amicalola EMC made a decision that would benefit the communities served by the cooperative for years to come. That decision was to participate in the Operation Round-Up program. By asking members of the cooperative to “roundup” their power bills to the next dollar amount, Amicalola EMC has been able to donate over $2.3 million to individuals and charitable organizations right here at home.
For just pennies a month, pocket change that won’t be missed, members of Amicalola EMC are making their community a better place to live. Keep reading this page or call (706) 253-5200 for information on how to participate in the Operation Round-Up fund.
What is Operation Round-Up?
Operation Round-Up is a program designed to provide financial assistance to needy individuals and certain 501(c)3 community charities.
How does the program work?
Each month, we “round up” the electric bill of participating members to the next highest dollar. For example, if your electric bill is $62.78, we would round it up to $63.00. The additional 22 cents would go to the Operation Round-Up fund. And, contributions are tax deductible! Participation is strictly voluntary.
Who administers the fund?
Money contributed to Operation Round-Up is administered by a nonprofit corporation called Amicalola EMC Trust. This trust is operated by a volunteer board of directors completely independent of the cooperative. The trust board evaluates all requests for funds and determines how the funds will be distributed. Plus, Amicalola EMC pays for all administrative costs, so 100% of your contribution goes to the Operation Round-Up Trust Fund.
What will the money be used for?
Funds will stay within the Amicalola EMC service area. According to the Operation RoundUp guidelines, the funds may be used for food, shelter, clothing, health needs, education and specialty needs where funding is not available. Funds may not be used to pay for electric bills. Also, political campaigns will not be considered for Operation Round-Up funding.
How can someone apply for help through Operation Round-Up?
Application forms are available at the headquarters and district offices of Amicalola EMC. You may also have an application mailed to you by calling (706) 253-5200 or e-mailing us and requesting one, or by downloading one here (you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view):
Why should I participate?
Operation Round-Up is a unique opportunity for you to provide financial assistance to needy individuals and charities in our surrounding communities. Pennies donated by you each month become significant when added to pennies donated by your fellow cooperative member-owners.