We will never call and demand payment of a past due account over the telephone. In fact, because of payment card industry mandates, we are prohibited from taking your credit or debit card information directly from you. You can use our automated payment options and enter your card number, but we cannot take it from you over the phone.
We’ve had reports today of someone calling a few of our members and demanding payment or telling them their account is about to be disconnected. The only calls we make regarding past due accounts are automated calls, instructing the member to call us.
If you receive a call, and someone tells you your account is past due and you need to call a 1-888 number, here’s what you should do: First: hang up! Don’t give the caller any information about yourself or any of your accounts. Secondly: If you are concerned about your account, call us directly. One of our member service reps will be happy to verify the balance on your account and discuss any questions you may have.
Please use extreme caution when discussing any financial information and don’t fall victim to a scam!