On April 26, 2022 Amicalola EMC held the annual youth awards banquet, following a two-year break from an in-person event due to the covid pandemic. $140,000 in college scholarships were awarded to area high school seniors.
Just under 400 people attended the banquet, held at Chattahoochee Technical College in Jasper, which included the students, parents, high school administrators, staff members of Amicalola EMC and the Amicalola EMC board of directors.
The $140,000 awarded this year brings the total to over $1.4 million during the past twelve years, which is the time period Amicalola EMC has been able to use unclaimed capital credit funds in accordance with Georgia’s unclaimed property laws to fund the scholarships.
It’s remarkable the number of lives that have been touched by the scholarships, as 1,443 high school seniors from across the ten-county service area have received funds. We are proud of the substantial contribution we’ve made to education and to the community by the use of these unclaimed funds. We do more than just keep the lights on – we continue to improve the quality of life for all our members.