2022 Georgia Agriculture Awareness Week continues

As we continue our recognition of Agriculture Awareness Week it’s important to celebrate the individuals who work so hard in the agriculture industry.  Amicalola EMC is fortunate to have many successful and dedicated FFA educators in our service area, one of which is Mr. Jason Cantrell, FFA Advisor and Agricultural Mechanics & Animal Science teacher at Pickens High School.

Mr. Cantrell has an Associate’s degree in Animal Science from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, a B.S. in Agricultural Education from the University of Georgia and a Master’s degree from Iowa State University in Agricultural Education. He has been teaching agriculture at the high school level for 15 years. He enjoys raising beef cattle, goats, and sheep on his family farm.

A sampling of his accomplishments includes 4 National Proficiency Award Winners, 1 National FFA Talent Show Winner, 2 State FFA Presidents, 3 State CDE Winners, 2 state Grand Champion Livestock Projects, 3 State Reserve Grand Champion Livestock Projects, 100 + State FFA Degree recipients, 12 American Degree recipients, 100 Percent FFA Membership for 15 years, 7 former students teaching Ag Ed and 3 former students who became veterinarians. Mr. Cantrell is also a recipient of the Amicalola EMC Bright Ideas for Teachers Education Grant Program.

Amicalola EMC congratulates Mr. Cantrell on his many accomplishments and says thank you to him for his leadership and dedication to provide quality agricultural education to the students in Pickens County.

#EMCsPowerAg  #AgHero  #EMCsPowerEducation  #GaAgWeek2022  #GeorgiaGrown


Posted on March 23, 2022

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